Sunday, 23 November 2008


I live in the Obor area of Bucharest. Its fair to say its not Paris, but I like it. Its always fairly busy and everything you need is close at hand. Heres a few photos

well you never know

Theres a huge "shopping centre" (don't call it market) which is a curious mix of market and department store, they seem to sell everything and I'm sure if you asked the right person there isn't much they couldn't get. You can't take photos in there so this is a picture of the less glamorous shopping destination in Obor, the market. Its run down and full of stray dogs, and it serves as a reminder that poverty is still very real.

In a small corner, come rain or shine, men gather together under these little stands to play chess. A small crowd of sometimes vocal support gathers. Some play checkers, but they aren't real men.
This is the political HQ of sector 2. It turns out the political party that gave me stuff are further right than the BNP, and the Americans have them on a list of violent, extremist parties, oh my. Their leader is also the chairman of Steaua, so dinamo it is.

Well now you've seen it, you come visit, yes?

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