Tuesday, 5 January 2010

8 Full Hours of Sleep

It wouldn't happen to Brown.

How are you? I hope your new year was an orgy of alcohol fueled firework viewing and counting down. For the first time in years I actually made an effort for New Year. Sophie and Kelvin came down and we went to London town with Hannah, Sarah, Chris and John, fortunately the two sets of children played very well together. I have no idea when midnight actually was, we were outside Blackfriars train station but we got to see the fireworks, Hannah from John's back, before being hearded back down the street by horses with police man growing out of their backs.

The next day was spent mildly rocking, rocking like Keane or Scouting for Girls. Such was the performance on Rock Band. In fairness John and Catherine are good and Sophie is mean on the drums and Kelvin mastered the Bass, I was pretty terrible. Drumming isn't worth the scorn.

Since then Graeme Smith has batted me into submission all afternoon and Leeds have proved what we already know, League One is the new Premiership.

Return to proper blogging when I get back to Pamplona, assuming the snow allows it, fuck you snow, fuck you.

love love love x

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