Saturday, 26 December 2009

Flowers and Football Shirts

Hello, I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and Father Christmas/The Three Kings/Olentzero was kind to you.

Christmas here was lovely, officially it was a white Christmas despite the distinct lack of snow but apparently ice will do and who am I to argue with the MET office? Few men dare, fewer still live to tell the tale. It's been a fairly normal Christmas. Nan and Grandad are here, and even my sisters boyfriend made a brief appearance for a few hours, Mum had even made him a little stocking. Due to that History degree business I normally get something History related, this time it was a World War 2 computer game thus I spent most of my Christmas day taking a pounding from the Nazis all over Northern France. Festive.

My Uncle flew in from Cincinnati on Boxing Day. Within the hour of him reaching the house he was in the car on the way to the Home of Football(TM). Despite the opposition being Swindon it was the right game to go to. Charlton went in at half time 1-0 up but with only nine men. Needless to say we went 2-1 down but fittingly the only Spaniard to ever play for Charlton dinked the keeper in the 94th minute and I completely lost it. Man Utd fans will never be able to understand the joy of a 2-2 draw with Swindon but games like that is why we put ourselves through it. My uncle is currently downstairs unwrapping a pair of thermal underwear, nan and grandad are nothing if not practical. Mum also managed to give him the exact same coat that she gave him last time he was here for Christmas.

Being home has been really good. Had a lovely meal with everyone who is home on Sunday we were almost like proper grown ups. The next day was spent playing board games, I taught Catherine, Alex and John a lesson at the Game of Life but came unstuck at Cluedo. If you don't know the Game of Life I'd recommend it, its ridiculous. John devised a strategy so complex at Cluedo it only managed to confuse him, bless.

I hope your Christmas was as lovely as puppies basking in sunbeams, talk soon

love love love x

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