Monday 20 September 2010

Sofa Core

Hola! Sorry for the sporadic posting this summer hopefully by Saturday it will have picked up again. As by Saturday the long summer will be over and it will be time to be a constructive, motivated young go getter once again / for the first time. I can't wait to be honest. I like summer as much as the next man but its time for this one to end. It seems to be a recurring theme but it doesn't seem real that on Saturday I'll be back living abroad. Everyone asks whether I'm excited, I always say yes but whenever do I think about it I just get nervous. It's a big school, hundreds of teachers, an army of students and I'm sure they will be much more aware of what I'm doing. In Pamplona they were pretty laid back, leaving you to get on with things but Madrid have already made it clear that they will be much more omnipresent. THERE WILL BE WORKSHOPS. I'm a little nervous that the laid back attitude of Pamplona may come back to bite me. My nerves got greater when I realised that the woman who interviewed me literally wrote the book on business teaching. Someone I already know has started work today, so hopfully interogate them and find out more. What's the worst that could happen?

I've been getting about a bit this week, not like that, I was treated to a trip to Hatfield on Friday. It's not as bad as it was made out! We did have to spend a while in a bad boy pimpers garage reading OK magazine as tires were fitted. They didn't even offer us anything from the espresso bar, a garage with an espresso bar, the times they are a changing. Over the weekend it was off to St Neots to see Shiner. A night out there is eventful. Two groups of guys kicked off and we had a pretty serious disagreement with a ginger guy who thinks that its ok to racially slur people and then gets upset when people object to it. Should have seen Shiner, what a trooper. I need him in Spain in case someone tells me to go back to my own country. I would probably deserve it though.

I had a novel experience on Sunday of watching Real Madrid on TV and supporting them. I got to the seventh minute and couldn't go on. There' something just so inheriently unlikable about them. The hair gel, the pouting, the supreme over-arching arrogance and sense of entitlement. The NINE European Championships. NINE! Thats obscence! Any Charlton will tell you, winning and even goal scoring is a vulgar pursuit. Wouldn't find us lowering ourselves to such a level, we transcend. I don't think I'll be able to warm to them and this could be a problem as I don't like any of the Madrid teams and last time I was there within 20 minutes I had already had two conversations about Real and Atletico. I'm alienating myself already.

In other news, my mum passed an exam about poo (sadly not joking), friends have been hurting themselves constantly (please be careful I don't want you to be next) and according to this wrapper a catfish has 250,000 taste buds... tasty.

love love love x

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