Wednesday, 30 November 2011

By Your Hand

We are back!

It's been a while but I have been busy. Really busy. I don't work Saturdays anymore which is great news but what I didn't realise at the time was that it offered a stretching effect. I am working the same number of hours in five days rather than six. Throw in more off site schools and thus more time on the underground and I'm seriously rushed. My xbox has been sadly neglected, this weekend I'm planning to spend some serious time reconnecting. It's quite sad at the moment of week, lots of people are leaving. I found out today Julio is leaving which makes me want to cry. The most exciting thing at work is that a work mate and I have a new plan to keep our kids in line. It is the classic good cop, bad cop role. Just because they don't know my face I can strut in shout a bit and look mean while my friend tries to look smiley and nice. It worked beautifully. Sure, I don't have the authority to do anything, but they don't know that.

The Spanish election was won by the El Tories but they don't start until after Christmas which seems a little strange. It means there are packs of media guys on the pavement outside school now. I like to pretend my arrival at work is considered news worthy but then when I saw the President of the Madrid region hanging around outside I suppose they were there for her. It was weird she was waiting outside for a car to come and pick her up and the photographers were dangerously close to being polite. Didn't even chase her down the street. I suppose we will have to get used to them being around.

Outside of school it was Amy's birthday at the weekend and she had a house party to celebrate. I spent the majority of it playing with her dog, or more accurately the dog spent most of the time playing with my laces. I wouldn't have been so friendly if I knew she wasn't house broken. It was a lucky escape. Monday night was exam night. I love exams. They bust their arse for three hours while I read a book. Though on Monday Charlton had a very important game at the same time and I spent the whole time fretting. I rushed home got it online and subjected my house mate to listening to me belittle Huddersfield and gloat when we won 2-0. Eight points clear baby. Other than that my goal tally for the season is now 3 and I have just eaten so much curry I might go into a coma.

The flat continues to be lovely. The novelty of living behind a secrt book case entrance hasn't dimmed at all. The only bad thing is that I came DANGEROUSLY close to making an Anne Frank joke to my German housemate and her German friend. I do know theres no such thing as an Anne Frank joke.

The Christmas lights are up which I'm enjoying though it does break my rule of nothing Christmas related until December. It's getting darker and colder which may sound strange but Christmas needs to be cold and dark. I have a friend in Australia now and says it's truly strange that it's sunny and all the decorations are still winter themed. I can't wait for tomorrow, my Mum has sent me an advent calender. Bless her.

love love love x

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